Rebuilding Angmar

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

in Louisville.....

What kind of trade show (ICUEE) doesn't accept credit at it's food stands? I mean honestly! 10 thousand guys on a business trip paying with company credit, come ON! If you don't take credit, you lose tons of moolaugh!

Anyway, to sum up...

-in a sing-song voice like at the end of a lounge act-
-jazz hands

oh, and they don't have wireless internet at either the hotel (Gault House) or the show!
but how are you posting you ask? .........I think I'm pirating someones cell connection while they search for new ringtones!

Lesson of the day- encrypt your internet connections!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hallowed are the Hank...

Its funny how clear religion becomes when you take the religious words out of the picture.

Hallowed are the Hank. Do you not seek the path to enlightenment?

WooHoo! Tomorrow is Sci-Fi Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

-through something completely different...

Are you ready for some Foosball!!!!

Speaking of foosball...

A client o' mine, who shall be known as Ska-T, has been officially declared an Ass-Hat.
Yes, that's Ass-Hat.
I.E. One whose head is so far up ones ass, that the ass is worn as a hat. Ok, so Ass-Scarf would make more sense physically, but Ass-Hat is just a lot more fun to say.

Try it....Ass-Hat. Thats right, go ahead...Ass-Hat. It rolls right off the tounge, doesn't it?

Say it! SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm Hmm, sorry....anyway...

The best part is, Ska-T has his own cheering section: