Rebuilding Angmar

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I LIVE!!!!!

Ha ha! Thought I was gone for good, huh?!!?!?! Keep dreaming.

Check out this story at NPR and BoingBoing.

You KNOW you have dreamed about living like this. Admit it.

All Trek, all the time!

So one day, when we actually have a house, I'll have to get this guy to help me set up my secret underground lair.

Until such a time, I'll have to settle for surfing Memory Alpha, the StarTrek Wiki.

There really is nothing quite like watching StarTrek while sitting inside StarTrek. Just go to Quark's Bar in Vegas to experience it for yourself!

I wonder if this guy gets a lot of responses to his work like this one:
(I really just wanted an excuse to post this picture...)

Until next time, live long and prosper...